Premier course – How to Lead New IT Projects and Programs
At the end of this block of instruction, an agency will have drafted a Project Management Plan that incorporates both Agile and Waterfall approaches. Using Commercial Off the Shelf (COTS) IT requires interlocking relationships with other technologies that allow for growth. The COTS items need testing with emerging systems. Finding the right acquisition strategies will be included in the plans to cover all required tasks of the federal Systems Acquistion Life Cycle.
Individual courses listed below will have a draft process document ready for the agency to finalize for use. Most courses and process development can be completed in 2-4 days depending on requirements. The below can be procured with the government purchase card within the micro-purchase threshold:
Project Charter development.
Team Charter development.
Concept of Operations development.
Market Research development.
Analysis of Alternatives development.
Cost Benefit Analysis development.
Logistics Support Plan development.
Earned Value Management Plan development.
Root Cause development.
Requirements Register Plan development.
Risk Management Plan development.
Configuration Management Plan development.